TCCI develops and delivers world-class technical training for global companies like yours
Our customers include:
- Established software companies needing to transform their design / development to enable agility, aligning with engineering agility and/or SaaS product offerings.
- Emerging software companies that need to create training to enable their customer base, increasing CSAT and thus retention, freeing dollars spent on retention for accelerating their growth.
- Established training organizations that need to elastically add training-related capacity (easily scaled up and down based on demand) for both external and internal-facing content.
We are a highly focused group of widely experienced technology professionals specializing in software engineering, IT, dev-ops, and leadership training.
The training challenges we help solve
Losing customers or employees, leaving money on the table through lack of excellent training, often caused by training releases that lag product releases, or no in-product training for SaaS | |
Inability to transform your training business from Training as a Product to Training as a Service (TaaS) | |
Expensive and valuable employee time spent deploying and destroying lab environments for student | |
Inability to have elastic capacity for design / development / delivery of internal or customer training |